This book is for anyone who is looking to learn how Cybersecurity can be implemented in your company.
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This is more than a simple book with a lot of theory: It.s an instrument which allows you to create tables, policies, check lists and complete a risk-assessments to protect your company.
With real-life recommendations, this instrument is beneficial for everyone who want to start with the Cybersecurity: from beginners, career switchers, lawyers, or managers, like CEO, CTO, CFO or CISOs.
Cybersecurity is probably the most difficult topic to manage. The subjects start from basic knowledge in networking to advanced systems analysis and risk assessments.
This book provides the required information and gives you the right mindset to understand Cybersecurit:
- Understand network topologies and protocols
- Secure end-points and protect remote access
- Identify threats and define an effective defense
- Use Checklists, Tables and Diagrams to protect your asset